We are really going to need some help on the reunion next year. We were so fortunate to have the Checotah folks setup a great event for us last time. The Katy Depot, Carr Memorial Foundation, the Carr Family, Checotah Chamber of Commerce and many others made it all happen.
Well this time around we will not have that support. It will require a few of you to step up and help. I will add jobs as they come up. If there is something you can help with or add let me know. Thanks ahead for your help and I look forward to seeing everyone next year in South Carolina.
~ George Westrup
Sorry, there are no volunteer opportunities available right now.
Breakfast Coordinator
Find a place that members can meet to have breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. Coordinate the numbers of people and venue. A buffet place may be easiest.…Find Out More
Reunion Photographer
Take photos/Video at all events.…Find Out More
Public Relations
Help get the word out about our event. You will be reaching out to all the military organizations, local government and news. Military organizations need to be contacted ASAP to get our reunion details listed in their publications and web sites. This would be things like VFW, American Legion, and other Military Associations. There are…Find Out More